How to send us your employment agreement
Tech Solidarity is organizing workers in the tech industry. As a first step, we are soliciting employment agreements from tech employees. These are passed on to a trusted cabal of labor lawyers, who are using them to come up to a practical per-company strategy.
We don't need your personal information, but we do need to get in the weeds of how employment agreements are structured.
The guidelines below have been developed to let you submit this information as anonymously as possible.
Any information you share will be stored securely and shared with a limited group of organizers. We will not keep this information longer than necessary, and we'll announce when it has been deleted.
Note: if you are an independent contractor, please review the confidentiality clause in your employment agreement before sending it.
Do the following at home, not at work:
From an iPhone:
(see below for paranoid options)
- Download and install the Signal app
- Disable iCloud backups
- Turn off location services for
- Turn off device wifi
- Print your employment agreement, or bring it up on your computer screen.
- Using post-it notes, or black marker, cover over any personally identifying information, such as:
- Your name
- Signature
- Address
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- Email
- In Signal, photograph every page of the document and send it to +1 415 610 0231 (Maciej Ceglowski)
- Erase the Signal conversation on your phone.
- Verify that the photos are not in your camera roll.
- Verify that the photos are not in your 'recently deleted' photos.
- Reboot your phone
- Turn on wifi and iCloud backup
From a Google Experience Android Device:
(see below for paranoid options)
- Download and install the Signal app
- Open Photos app
- Settings -> Back up & Sync -> slider to off
- Open Camera app
- Settings -> Save location -> slider to off
- Print your employment agreement, or bring it up on your computer screen.
- Using post-it notes, or black marker, cover over any personally identifying information, such as:
- Your name
- Signature
- Address
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- Email
- In Signal, photograph every page of the document and send it to +1 415 610 0231 (Maciej Ceglowski)
- Erase the Signal conversation on your phone.
- Delete photos in Camera or Photos
- Check trash/deleted items in Camera or Photos
- Restore settings in Camera and Photos
- Back up your phone
- Verify Signal safety number
- Perform the steps above
- Do a factory reset
- Restore phone from backup
- Buy a prepaid phone
- Verify Signal safety number
- Follow the instructions above
- Physically destroy the phone
- Close this window
- Destroy your computer
- Start a new life